Welcome to International Scientific & Research Journal!

Prof. Shanti Jayasekera

Editor -in -Chief/ Director of Publication

The World Scientists

Dear Readers,

I hold the great pleasure to present to you this inaugural concern of the Scientific journal “The World Scientists” which is published by the Inter-University Higher Academic Council, Paris , International University of Fundamental Studies with International Higher Academic Council, St.Petersburg. Herewith, I as the editor of this publication, would like to briefly summarize the scientific journal with utmost pleasure.

Our main objective is to establish a high-level intelligentsia and to support their research and innovation as well as to promote the exchange of scientific knowledge among scientists around the world.

This scientific journal contains the results of ten research reports by world renowned authors, and world class specialists, who have foreign affiliations as well as contributions from Russian researchers. I am grateful to mention that articles have been published in the following categories: Science and Culture, Fundamental Sciences, Information and Communication Technologies, Mechanical Engineering, Medicine and Environmental Studies, Biology and Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, Theater and Cinema, Economics and Management, Arts and Culture. I hope this will also be a golden opportunity for all the researchers who are awaiting to complete their doctoral program by publishing articles for international journals. Scientific articles are intended to share your own original research work with other scientists or to review research carried out by others.

Therefore, in the truest sense, this international scientific journal encourages the publication of research for researchers, academicians, professionals and students engaged in their respective fields. The success of a journal undoubtedly depends on the support of its readers. We strongly encourage authors to submit their articles and readers are more than welcome to provide comments.

Thank you for your continued support for our publications.

Prof. Shanti Jayasekera

Editor -in -Chief/ Director of Publication

The World Scientists


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