INTERNATIONAL PATENT – “Innovative disinfectant HB Solution”

INTERNATIONAL PATENT – “Innovative disinfectant HB Solution”






Innovative disinfectant HB Solution

Code of IUHAC (Nomenclature IUFS) : 06.040.12

Patent Holder and Author: Dr. Martin Klugmayer (AT)

Date of Birth : 19.05.1981, Place of Birth : Vienna, Austria

PhD in Bioengineering & Water Technology, IUFS – Oxford Educational Network, 

California, USA

Application Number 06.040.12

Priority of Discovery 17 November 2021

Registered at the International Institute for Intellectual Property (IIPI) of the IUHAC.

Oxford Educational Network

06 March 2024.

Patent expires on 31 December 2054.

Director IIIS __________

Secretary ________________

This document is legally valid in all countries recognizing the Vienna 

Convention (1961) (1963)

Registration No. IUHAC – 06040.12



№ 06.040.12

“Innovative disinfectant HB Solution”.

1.             Introduction.

The discovery relates to the field of Bioengineering & Water Technology as well as in biotechnology, namely to preparations having disinfectant properties promising for controlling bacterial and fungal lesions. A disinfection agent is described, comprising components based on hydrochloric acid, hydrogen peroxide, anions and ions of oxygen, ozone, active chlorine radicals.

2.             Priority Information.

Priority of discovery on 17 November 2021. (XVI World Scientific Congress in Paris “Innovative disinfectant HB Solution” materials on this discovery were published in International Research Journals “World Scientists” and “Les Scientifiques Francais” in the field of Bioengineering and Water Technology.

3.             Essence of the discovery.

A method of production and formulation of a disinfection agent including components on the basis of chlorinic acid, hydrogen peroxide, anions and ions of oxygen, ozone, active chlorine radicals has been developed, differing in that a composition having unique properties which make it a means of choice for disinfection works, disinfection, use as an antifungal and antiviral agent is offered as a compound.

The claimed discovery relates to chemical non-toxic antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal preparations containing active chlorine at wt.% content of components in the ratios given in Appendix 1.

The discovery relates to the field of Bioengineering and biotechnology, namely to preparations having disinfectant properties, promising for combating bacterial and fungal lesions, containing hypochlorous acid in equilibrium with sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide, ions, hyipochlorite anions, molecular oxygen, active radicals and can be used for disinfection of water, any surfaces and objects, including skin and hair coverings of humans and animals, medical and household appliances and other directions.

The author of the discovery notes that the importance of the discovery and use in the composition of the proposed means for disinfection as components of derivatives of perchlorinated hydrochloric acid, hydrogen peroxide, chlorine ions and anions, active oxygen radicals, the indication of only the chemical formula does not characterize its properties in full. Key characteristics of disinfectant substances – molecular-mass distribution, molecular structure (linear or branched) and the degree of purification of the product from low-molecular impurities, unique for components for a particular synthesis technology, have a significant impact on the biocidal, toxicological and technological properties of the disinfectant. The substances used are characterized by linear structure of molecules, high degree of purification. The average molecular weight of the components corresponds to the optimal value, at which antimicrobial activity is maximum and toxicity to microorganisms is low. Disinfectant substance “Innovative disinfectant “HB Solution” shows high biocidal activity against Gram-negative and Gram-positive microorganisms, viruses, fungi.

The essence of the discovery is that the introduced components modify the mixture of active active ingredients – change the chemical composition of the composition, its physicochemical and biocidal properties.

The proposed discovery can be used in medicine, in veterinary medicine, in the food industry, in the pulp and paper industry, as well as in other branches of production, in the home.

The variety of disinfectants is currently provided by the variation of components from a limited range of disinfectant substances produced by chemical enterprises – representatives of chlorine-containing, oxygen-containing, quaternary ammonium compounds, amines and polymeric derivatives of guanidine.

The technical result achieved by fulfilling a set of essential features of the discovery is an increase in the biocidal activity of the disinfectant, reduction of its pH and irritating effect, prevention of precipitation and the associated drop in the biocidal activity of the disinfectant, leading to an increase in the shelf life of solutions in air compared to competitive compositions, reducing the corrosive activity of disinfectant solutions, expansion of the field of application – the use of the disinfectant for simultaneous biocidal activity of the disinfectant.

Compositions based on the combination of hydrochloric acid, active anions, ions, active oxygen radicals, hydrogen peroxide and other elements are of special interest, as these compounds have high biocidal activity, non-volatile, non-allergenic, water-soluble, compatible with each other, low toxicity.

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